Earlier today I received a nomination for the 'Liebster Award' from the lovely Kay Sunley. Thankyou so much Kay!
This award is a way to help new bloggers promote each other and become more well known. I only recently began blogging over the Summer as something to keep me busy and so knowing that I have readers is beyond amazing. I am so thankful to everyone who has recently followed me!
The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you by linking their blog.
2. Answer 11 questions the nominator gave to you.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 11 questions for your nominees.
5. Let the nominees know they have been nominated by contacting them.
Kay's Questions
1. What is your favourite book, film and TV series?
I read a lot so i'm struggling to think of one book that I would class as my favourite, though I think it would be 'The Language of Flowers' by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. My favourite film is 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. My favourite TV series is 'The Walking Dead'.
2. What would you say your statement look is? (Beauty & Fashion)
Cute with edgy details and grunge-like colours.
3. What are the top five places you want to visit and why?
Italy, I love the Romantic atmosphere; London, for the music scene; California, for the beaches; Australia, for the adventures; China/Japan, for the city lights and food.
4. What is your biggest fear?
Something supernatural happening.
5. What is your all time favourite skincare, makeup item and haircare product?
At the moment my favourite skincare product is the 'Ted Baker' body scrub, my favourite makeup product is the 'Technic Pretty Pastels' nail varnish in turquoise or plumb and my favourite haircare product is the 'Loreal Studio Matt & Messy salt spray'. My favourites change pretty regularly though.
6. Do you prefer makeup or fashion?
I love both but I keep my makeup quite minimal, so I choose fashion.
7. What is your dream job?
To be a designer in the media combined with journalism. Fingers crossed.
8. What are three things you cannot live without?
Hmm. My laptop. Lots of fruit. My Dr. Martens boots (they make me feel taller).
9. What was the last thing you bought that you were disappointed with?
Protein cookie from the gym. Ew!
10. If you could be a character from a film or tv series, who would you choose and why?
Margaery Tyrell from 'Game of Thrones'. She seems to have it all figured out.
11. What is your ideal holiday? City break, beach or camping?
The beach! I would love to learn to surf and go scuba diving too.
My nominations:
My questions:
1. One thing you love about yourself?
2. What has been your proudest moment?
3. What has been your most embarrasing moment?
4. What is your 'go to' hair product?
5. What is your must have make-up product?
6. Day or Night? Summer or Winter?
7. Which clothing item that you own do you like the most?
8. Flats or Heels? Why?
9. What is your favourite book/magazine?
10. If you could be a character from a film or TV series, who would you be and why?
11. Where is your favourite place to go and your favourite thing to do to relax?
Have fun ladies!